We are back from I must say a very very eventful trip, First I must say theres no place like home.....
{MAY GOD BLESS THE USA} A Big Thank you, to all that serve our Country.....
It was a great trip, We started in Guadalajara Mexico, met up with the Primos from Northern Cal.
We saw Beautiful Churches/Cathedrals, Museums, Buildings, Art, People and of course good food especially at CHATA'S restaurant if you ever visit you must eat there,Great food and service.
There is so much history in Guad. we stayed in the historical central surrounded by old beautiful architectural buildings, The Ballet Flokorico is a must see, The cultural Institute Cabanas Museum is a master piece with its arches, Large Pillars Tuscany style large halls, long corridors and of course the display of outstanding Mexican Art by Jose Clemente Orozco. The cabana was once used as a orphanage ran by sisters of charity.

After a week in Guad we left to Jalos to celebrate NinaGueda's 80th Birthday, what a beautiful spirit well deserved Celebration. During the time we were there Fiestas de Augusto was going on its when the Virgen de Ausicion appeared to the Pueblo, from August 5th through the 15th its full of festivities, From the early morning the Church bells ring and Las Mananitas start ,the people carry her through the Pueblo to the church, at night they start with a display of fire works in front of the church and people gather to celebrate, after the fire works we headed over to the plazita to watch the Boys and Girls do what they call vueltas/circles the boys line up in two lines and the girls go through the line around the plaza if the boy likes you he gives you a rose or throws confetti its a tradition it's a way of meeting , of course our boys had to ask the girl if she speaks English first ,Hunter has promised he's going to be more focused on learning Spanish!
The people in Jalos really know how to relax, take it easy it's very slow there...the shops close everyday at 2pm and re-open at 5pm {maybe} that's if they feel like it sometimes later, no stress no traffic/freeways no hurry or worries... Its really a place to live if you want no stress in your life!